Main Streets Business Support Grant Post Grant Survey

Thank you for participating to provide feedback on the Main Streets Business Support Grant pilot. We would like to gain a better understanding of your experience applying for the grant and, if applicable receiving the grant, as well as how grant money was used. This information will be used to support decision making for the Main Streets Business Support Grant moving forward. 

The personal information from this survey is collected under the authority of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, Section 33(c) and is used to provide guidance to The City of Calgary regarding construction impacts and the effectiveness of direct financial support for businesses during times of City of Calgary led construction. If you have questions about the collection or use of your information, please contact a City of Calgary Research Coordinator at 403-268-2141 or or send a letter to “Research Coordinator, The City of Calgary, Mail code 8305, P.O. Box 2100, Station M, Calgary, AB, Canada, T2P 2M5,” and specifically mention the “Main Streets Business Support Grant Survey.”

The survey will take approximately 10 minutes of your time.

Please click "Start" below to begin the survey.
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